

We collaborate not only with end customers, but also with other agencies. For example, we’ve been supplying design to E-solutions since 2009. This time, it turned to us with a redesign of the website for the Lexxus real estate agency.

Excellently prepared

The client had a clear idea of what the website should look like. We received perfectly processed wireframes that are a joy to work with.

Lots of small,
important details

We always enjoy large websites with a lot of information, boxes, buttons and other elements. Such a website must be even more adapted to users’ needs, so that they can easily navigate it and find what they came to the website for.

Great emphasis
on responsiveness

The design also included the preparation of all the important templates for displaying on mobile phones. When you think about this from the very beginning, and have a well-designed desktop version, creating a mobile version is a quick and enjoyable job.

and functional
mobile display

The Lexxus real estate agency sells truly beautiful properties, which is why the aim was to design the website in a simple style, so that the photographs of buildings would stand out and the design around them wouldn’t be disruptive. All of this real estate agency’s materials are designed in a similar spirit.

Faster creation all
fewer worries – it has
its advantages, but…

We like working on projects where our main task is to deliver the design, and then code the templates. Of course, if we’re not creating a connection to administration, there are much fewer worries and the entire realisation is much faster. Unfortunately, however, it happens that we can no longer influence how the website looks when it’s online. When we create customised websites, we often have to change their final form and modify something from the original concept. It’s normal practice that’s important for completing any project. Therefore, it’s definitely better if we’re in charge of the entire realisation, from A to Z.

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